Tuff Sound Apprenticeship Program (TSAP)
Tuff Sound Apprenticeship Program is on hiatus while Tuff Sound Recording relocates. We plan to relaunch with new activities and workshops in 2025.
TSAP is a nonprofit educational program teaching Pittsburgh's young adults (ages 16-21) the art of audio engineering, mixing, and production. Through a 10 week intensive training course, participants develop expertise in audio engineering. They then practice these skills hands-on recording and mixing audio projects for local musicians, students, and community groups.
We partner with leading youth-arts and media education programs to find a wide variety of talented young people. While all apprentices learn technical skills in audio engineering, our program is flexible to fit each participant’s areas of interest. Through hands-on instruction from Herman Pearl, an expert with three decades of professional experience in the field, apprentices learn how to work in an industry-quality, forward-thinking recording studio.
Photo by Kitoko Chargois